in-person or online
My Perfect HorseAre you getting ready to add to your herd? Purchase your first horse or maybe your needs have changed since your last mount!? Possibly you’re debating if the horse you have is the right fit for you? This 4 hour seminar is about how to find your perfect mount and how to know when you’ve found it!
Shop & Buy prepared for Your Perfect Horse!
this seminar offers you
the chance to survey yourself about your horse needs. Together we combine this information with the attributes you want in your perfect horse and create a grading scale tailored specifically to you. This numeric scale is just one of the evaluation tools you will have by the end of this seminar, including specific questions to ask, a basic knowledge of equine confirmation, and specific ‘tests’ for your potential equine.
Don’t take my word for it…
Diane & Einstein
we get contacted regularly after a new horse is acquired, when the horse isn’t filling the new owner’s expectations…we’d prefer to save you & your horse the frustration!
Perfect Pairs
The perfect horse for me won’t be perfect for you & vice-versa, which is why this seminar is limited to 10 participants so that you have the feedback to individualize your evaluation tool. Price of the class is $100 and can be done in-person or online via zoom.
A workbook is included in the cost of the class
Check the schedule to see if a class is coming up or Email Christina to schedule a class

Class Outline
Budgeting & Manifesting
Are you covering ALL your bases? (Upkeep costs, Purchase Price potential vs actual, Additional Training or Maintenance)
Put your goal into writing, measurable attributes
The balance of time & money
List of nation-wide references (local for ABQ in-person classes)
Vet check recommendations
List of Questions to ask before you visit
List of activities to look for in a sale video
List of evaluation tools to use in-person
Scoring Attributes & Evaluation tool tailored to you