Ride more comfortably…your horse will thank you!
The Buckaroo Balance Philosophy of riding is simple…riding should be easy! Bringing awareness to body symmetry and how your body affects your equine partner is key to the type of relationship where you think it and you’re doing it!
Read more about Christina’s philosophy here….
What we do
Our Services
Riding lessons
As New Mexico’s ONLY Centered Riding Instructor Christina offers an experienced eye, visualizations in her instruction and a compassionate awareness of body mechanics of both horses and humans!
Saddle Fit
Specializing in western and hybrid saddles Christina is also experienced in English saddle fit, with a concerning eye for saddle fit to rider as well as to horse.
Instruction on the trail
Apply your lesson in the moment! Learn the difference between a bend and a lateral and when to use each on the trail. Be aware of your balance & breath to be the best rider you can be
A limited number of spots are available for intense training here with us. Horses get worked and ridden 6 days a week, often with multiple saddles in a day. Schedule an e-val to see if your horse is a good candidate for our program
Looking for your perfect horse? An amazing riding buddy? Building a new barn? Fencing? Planting a pasture?
BoUtique boarding
A private barn in Corrales NM with our own arena and amazing access to trails! We always have a waiting list

Signs you need balance
Confidence issues
Although Christina specalizes in riders returning from injury it would be great if she could help you avoid a wreck! When you get nervous riding is it because your horse needs more experience or you’re not sure you have the skills to help your horse through the ‘what-ifs’ of a trail ride?
earns pinned at tack up? or when you mount?
A poorly fitting saddle can cause all kinds of issues from a ‘bad attitude’ to flat out refusal! It is not uncommon to shift to thicker or thinner padding for different seasons of the year, riding less, winter coats can cause changes in your saddle fit. Learn things to look for so you can spot your horses’ needs.